Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions

What is Artelogy?

A: This site is a community dedicated to art in its various expressions: literature, poetry, photography, painting, news, and much more.
You can also make friends, talk in chat, exchange emails and comment on everything that you want.
The use of this site is completely free.

How do I become a member?

A: On the left side top there is a block with the words "Sign up". Just click in it and follow the steps.
You can also register using your Facebook account. On the top left side menu. Click in  "Connect".

How do I delete my account?

A: You can delete your account at any time.
But be sure that this is what you want because once you delete your account all your activity: including content, comments, friends and messages will be deleted instantly and it will be irreversible.
If you really want to delete your account follow these steps:
Go to your profile by clicking on the left menu under "Profile".
Click in "Edit"
Once you've done so, the bottom of that page will appear "Delete account". Click in it. Confirm.
